Friday, December 26, 2014

Polish for Beginners - new course starts in January 2015!

Polish: Beginning Course with UNM Continuing Education

Polish: Beginning 

Learn practical ways to use and remember new vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. We'll take a friendly, hands-on approach to build everyday sentences and learn an infamous tongue-twister! As a student, you'll also discover Polish food, culture and traditions.

Dates: 1/28/2015-5/6/2015
Albuquerque, NM

To register, go HERE

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Polish Language Initiative - starting up!

Teaching or learning Polish ?
Join our group for support and motivation!

1. Set your goal (share if you'd like).

2. Work on it (around 1 week) - choose time, place, frequency, subject that are suitable for you (your child/student).

3. Come back any time to share your thoughts :)

The deadline of our first "session" is November 30th.

*Please spread the word and invite your friends*


Last class memories...

Faworki/Chrust/Chruściki/Angel wings

Made by Jim N.! 

Congratulations to my students who completed the Polish course for Beginners!
I am so proud of you! Keep on learning and stay in touch. 
Good luck/Powodzenia!

Monday, November 3, 2014

"Polska. Where the unbelievable happens"

"Polska. Where the unbelievable happens"

A spot for Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland / Director: Paweł Borowski / Cinematography: Tomek Naumiuk / Producer: Sonia Pośpiech
Watch on YouTube by clicking here.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Herbata :)

If you'd like to start our next class with a cup of tea, please bring your mug :)
If you have your favorite tea, you're welcome to share it with us :)
We drink a lot of tea in Poland ;)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Culinary class!

Next Wednesday we will be making...


I can't wait! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Voice Clips

*** Polish Class ***

When you're learning Polish on your own and you are not sure how to pronounce particular words or sentences, please email me (just take a picture of that text), and I will send you back a voice clip :)

Because we like songs ;) Get ready!

Wlazł kotek na płotek i mruga,
ładna to piosenka niedługa.
Nie długa, nie krótka, lecz w sam raz.
Zaśpiewaj koteczku jeszcze raz.

A kitten sits on the fence and it blinks.
It’s a very pretty song, and it’s not a long one.
Not a long one, not a short one, but just right.
Come on, little kitten, sing again.

Melody - click HERE

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

New Song - Singing is Fun!

Here's the song (first stanza) we'll be learning tomorrow:

Lato lato lato czeka
Razem z latem czeka rzeka
Razem z rzeką czeka las
A tam ciągle nie ma nas.

We'll translate it in the class :) 
You can listen to it HERE
Let me know if you'd like all the lyrics. 

Do jutra!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Polish tongue-twisters :)

Enjoy the VIDEO :)

Chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie  - a beetle buzzes in the reeds
Korale koloru koralowego – coral-colored coral necklace
Dziewięćdziesiąt dziewięć groszy -99 cents
Plac Trzech Krzyży – Three Crosses Square (in Warsaw)
Suwalszczyzna – Suwałki Region (northeastern Poland)
Kopalnia soli w Wieliczce- Wieliczka Salt Mine
Barszcz z uszkami – borsch with dumplings
Schabowy z mizerią – pork chop with cucumber salad
Kluski śląskie – potato dumplings
Jajecznicza ze szczypiorkiem – scrambled eggs with chives
Polska jest przepiękna – Poland is the most beautiful

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Our 5th meeting tomorrow :)

Hi Class, tomorrow we'll work on 2 new dialogs - don't worry, no  dżem różany this time ;) We'll be SINGING a new song: Days of the week (yay for creativity!) You'll also take your first test! (I'm joking). Do zobaczenia! A.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Labels - a practical way to learn some new vocabulary :)

Prepare as many as you'd like :) Self-stick notes work great and they should not ruin your furniture or other items. Each week I will ask volounteers to share words they've learned in Polish. We'll spend the first 10 minutes on modelling the pronounciation for new vocabulary you will label. Think ahead of the objects from your household that you want to know in Polish. Thanks!

Hello Class! 
Thanks for stopping by :)  
Let's use this blog as an additional platform for our language course. Please come back often as I will be posting updates as we go :)
                                Do zobaczenia!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Cześć i Sześć :)

Cześć - I think it must be one of the most popular words in Polish :) 
It happens to contain some characteristic sounds (cz, ś, ć) that can be challenging for a beginner student. Below you can find my pronunciation tips :) Keep on practicing! Get this one, and you actually score 2 words: hi and bye :)

click on the image to enlarge

How about replacing cz with sz
You see, that's not that complicated and you've learned a new sound and a new word :) 

click on the image to enlarge

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Polish Alphabet

Here are the names of the 32 letters :-)

Practice makes perfect :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

If You're Happy

Gdyś szczęśliwy i wiesz o tym, w dłonie klaszcz. 
Gdyś szczęśliwy i wiesz o tym, w dłonie klaszcz.
Gdyś szczęśliwy i wiesz o tym, 
I chcesz nam powiedzieć o tym, 
Gdyś szczęśliwy i wiesz o tym, w dłonie klaszcz.

Źródło: Piosenki po angielsku dla dzieci. Papilot. Publicat S.A.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

DIY - Names of the Colors

I hope this simple idea can make learning more meaningful :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

DIY Polish Alphabet for Children

I prepared this set for my students. I believe it will make learning Polish even more enjoyable :)
What you need is 2 sets of alphabet. One becomes a control sheet (if needed) and the other one gets cut into pieces (seperate letters) that can be used to build the alphabet. You can also play a simple matching game, introduce "Gdzie jest..." question and more (I'm sure you've got your own ideas and goals). My set includes words on the back and is laminated.

Have fun!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Singing Polish Alphabet! *** the song is temporarily unavailable but will be back soon ***

I couldn't find a simple song to teach Polish alphabet so I came up with my own version :)
It's my first YouTube upload - view it here and sing along!

Note: This is not the 32 letter version. I kept it simple but I will work on the "full" version :)

Friday, February 28, 2014

Polish sign language interpreter needed

FCI Corporation is currently looking for a person who would know Polish sign language ! Can anyone help? Please contact me or leave a comment and I will forward the contact email address/phone nr. Thanks!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Happy Pączki Day :)

1 pączek, 2 pączki, 3 pączki :)

P.S. Don't mistake for Paczki = packages, boxes ;) 

Polish Language Classes in Albuquerque, NM

*** Polish Classes for Children ***

Saturday, March 1st 
Erna Fergusson Library (study room nr 2) 
3:30 older children, 4:30 younger ones 

If you'd like your child to join us, email 

Thanks and see you!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Polish language classes for children in Albuquerque, NM

*** Polish for Kids *** Zajęcia z jęz. polskiego dla dzieci ***

Saturday, February 22nd - public library in NE Albuquerque 
13:30 -14:30 (6-9 y/o), 14:30-15:30 (4 y/o)

If you're interested, please email
Thanks and see you!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Polish classes in ABQ

Polish classes are now offered also in the Albuquerque area! Zapraszamy !!!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Learning new vocabulary DIY - nazwy owoców i warzyw

Many of my educational materials focus on teaching Polish as a second language. I am a big advocate for learning through play. Here's how we approached learning names of some fruits and vegetables:
1. We collected a bunch of flyers - some came in the mail, some were picked up at a store (homework idea!). We looked at the pictures, named fruits and veggies, discussed their colors, shapes, chose our favorites.
2. As my toddler doesn't use scissors yet, I cut the pictures out. It's a good exercise of your students' fine motor skills. Please, don't correct their work ;)
3. We glued all the pieces onto paper (even more cutting!).
4. I put labels with Polish names (singular and plural) on the back. This way my husband (who is also learning Polish with us) can double check on those names and forms when "playing" with Zo. 
5. Because I want our new creations to last, I used  my laminator. What came out was a beautiful place mat you could use at the table every single day.
 6. I decided to cut them out again, because what I needed were individual pieces. How to use them is up to your imagination! Pretended play - going shopping, serving food, having a party.
7. Find a nice box to keep your teaching materials in, and label it. Does it belong to the kitchen set? Find the right place where to put it (yay for the Montessori system where every item has its own place in the classroom). You may want to use one box for fruits and one for vegetables - depending on your educational goals. 
Don't stop building new vocabulary and come back to this project in future- surprise your child - let him find something new in his set one day!

Refleksja na temat materiałów do nauki języka polskiego

This is another repost that I'd like to have here since it explains my motivation and goals. It was written in Polish for NM Polonia blog:

Żyjąc poza granicami Polski trudniej jest o dostęp do materiałów edukacyjnych wspierających rozwój naszego ojczystego języka. W Nowym Meksyku, gdzie nie ma zbyt dużego skupiska Polonii, jeszcze trudniej o jakiekolwiek pomoce dydaktyczne. Zakupy przez Internet pomogły nam zgromadzić następujące środki: podręczniki do gramatyki, kursy dla początkujących, rozmówki, słowniki, plakaty, grę pamięciową, multimedia i książeczki dla dzieci (wszystko ukierunkowane na naukę jęz. polskiego jako obcego). 
I choć korzystamy z tych materiałów jak tylko potrafimy najlepiej, odczuwam brak istnienia na rynku zupełnie innego rodzaju pomocy naukowych, których rola w procesie nauczania-uczenia się jest niezastapiona, a potrzeba na takowe materiały powinna zostać zauważona przez wydawnictwa edukacyjne.
Brakuje mi mianowicie pomocy, które uczeń może wziąć do ręki i nimi manipulować ( przestawiać, zakrywać, zginać, przesuwać, łączyć, itd. ) aż do znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie; ucząc się w formie gry czy zabawy.

Takie podejście do nauki jest znacznie mniej stresujące niż tradycyjny wykład czy sprawdzian. Formę wykładu zastępuje forma warsztatu, teoria zamienia się w praktykę. Element zaciekawienia, zagadka czy humor pozwalają skupić się na tym, co istotne. Możliwość manipulacji fizycznymi przedmiotami pozwala uczniowi na samodzielne szukanie rozwiązania, autokorektę, wspiera wiarę we własne siły, umożliwia pracę w indywidualnym tempie.

Na tym blogu będę się dzielić różnymi pomocami, które z przyjemnością projektuję dla potrzeb własnej rodziny oraz przyjaciół.  Będą to propozycje, które nauczyciel w polskiej szkole może wykorzystać według własnych pomysłów i do własnych celów, a rodzic zaadoptować do potrzeb własnej rodziny. 

Serdecznie zachęcam do dzielenia się swoim doświadczeniem i pomysłami na naukę jęz. polskiego (i nie tylko!).

Jeżeli trudno nam znaleźć na rynku konkretne pomoce do nauki języka, stworzmy je sami! Może się to przerodzić w przepiękne projekty artystyczne, zintegrowane z nauką na przykład matematyki. Samodzielnie wykonane materiały będą miały jeszcze większą wartość i zachęcą do nauki języka polskiego nie tylko dziecko, ale i dorosłego. Któż bowiem nie lubi się "bawić" ;-)

Numbers - DIY !

I posted this on NM Polonia, but wanted to include it here as well:


We made these teaching materials with Zo. She knows her numbers in English, so in order to succeed in teaching her more Polish, it had to be fun! We came up with this design because she loves flaps that she can lift, open or close (toddler, go figure!). She chose, counted and placed her favorite stickers (yay, educational moment right there!). If you work with a slightly older group of students, they can draw a given number of elements. You can also use both pages inside the card to teach counting. I signed the cards on the back so they can be used by a broader number of learners. 
Be creative in making your own number cards! 
Let me know how your teaching process goes :-)


New Mexico Polonia Blog

Our mission is to connect with each other and promote the spirit of Polish community here in New Mexico, online and beyond, by reaching out to anyone with Polish heritage and interest.
In addition, we want to create a place where we can develop a supportive network of Polish speakers and learners to share our collective knowledge, resources, materials and experience of the Polish language. Together we can foster a stronger link to our Polish identity here in New Mexico. 
Link: Website 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lost in Translation :)

Jaki to Kolor ?

Here's an example of a do-it-yourself set of colors that you can make with your students to use for teaching Polish as a second language. Note: I included the names of the colors on the back of laminated pieces and made a little box to store everything in. Whenever my daughter sees this box being opened, she switches to Polish :)

A few ideas on how to use the "Kolory" set in practice:
(use as much Polish as possible)
  • play a ball game called Kolory (nobody catches the ball when you say zielony)
  • ask a student to search in a box to find  kolor zielony, for example
  • ask to look around and touch something green
  • ask a student to turn kolor zielony over to discuss the way it's written and read (depends on age)
  • show students kolor zielony but only for 1 second and let them guess what color they've just seen
  • present a small piece of the green card, hiding it behind the box and let students notice which color it is
  • invite students to memorize colors that are on the table (choose an appropriete number) and when they close their eyes you take away 1 or more colors so they can guess which one(s) are missing
  • discuss favorite colors
  • encourage students to use their sets of colors to build interesting shapes and let them discuss their designs among themselves
  • make up a guessing game students can play in pairs 
  • make 1 pile of colors and ask students to predict which color is under the one we can see.
  • let students use their sets of colors for self practice by making them available for self selection time.
  • when putting the cards back to the box, count them in Polish
These were some general ideas - will they work for your students? 
Please come back to share your experience and more ideas!

Step one: Do not get discouraged right at the beginning! ;)

Polish for Beginners

Adult class is forming! The meetings will take place in Albuquerque once a week Monday-Friday (late afternoon). Join in if you're interested!

Polish Classes for Kids

Polish classes for children take place each Saturday morning at the East Mountain Library.

*** Update *** Now classes available also in the Albuquerque area ! :)

For a Good Start!